In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, a time when the nation should be pulling together to defeat this plague, the pandemic of racism continues to rear its hideous face. The recent killings –either directly by police or with their implied sanction—of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd are only the most recent reminders of the historic and systemic racism that has infected this land since before America’s founding. Instead of uniting to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic, the improper actions and inactions of law enforcement officials, further fueled by threats of violence from the Oval Office, have further divided this nation. When most we need to fight a common foe we are, instead and once again, fighting each other.
The Black Ministerial Alliance and the Boston TenPoint Coalition stand with those who protest the continued aggression against and murder of Black citizens. We march, literally and in spirit, with those who continue to challenge the demonic spirit of Racism and its twin sister, White Supremacy. We pray against the principalities and powers, the rulers of darkness, and the spiritual wickedness in high places that continue to follow these spirits. We condemn the spirit of Apathy that allows these spirits to flourish. Neither the BMA nor Boston TenPoint condone the violence in the streets of our cities, although we certainly understand it. We stand against violence directed towards our Brothers and Sisters in Blue who strive to protect us and our city every day. We do, however, vehemently condemn the actions that led to the need for protests and the lack of response that made many feel the violence was their only way to be heard. We unequivocally condemn the language of violence against those who have already been violated by the systems of Racism and White Supremacy.
The Boston TenPoint Coalition and the BMA pledge to work with those willing to collaborate to tear down these Racism and White Supremacy, as well as the systems that support them. We commit to working with like-minded people to do the hard work of clearly defining the problems, and the tedious work of finding solutions. The protests are the beginning, but only the beginning. We are committed to helping create the change we need for our community.